When the truth matters most, Lewis Investigations is here to help. Whether you need to verify honesty in personal relationships, legal disputes, or workplace matters, our cutting-edge EyeDetect technology provides accurate and objective results.
Why Choose EyeDetect Over Traditional Polygraph?
Infidelity & Relationship Concerns
Do you have a gut feeling that something isn’t right? EyeDetect testing can help confirm suspicions or provide peace of mind. In our experience, when clients have doubts, they often turn out to be valid. Living in uncertainty is agonizing—let us provide the answers you need.
Pre-Employment Screening
Ensure honesty and integrity before making critical hiring decisions. EyeDetect is a fast and non-intrusive way to verify an applicant’s background and trustworthiness.
Theft & Fraud Investigations
Is there missing money or property at work or home? Traditional investigations can take time—EyeDetect provides rapid, reliable results to help uncover deception.
Child Custody & Family Law Cases
Do you suspect a parent is being dishonest about their behavior? Courts may struggle with "he said, she said" cases, but EyeDetect provides objective evidence that can help tip the scale in your favor.
Whether you’re looking for answers in a personal or professional situation, Lewis Investigations is here to help. Contact us today for EyeDetect polygraph services in Northeast Ohio and all of Ohio. The truth is within reach—let us help you find it.